Along with Jenny, First Experience Rooney Threesome

Manchester - Wayne Rooney as if forgetting that he is a husband and will soon become a father, when he was dealing with comfort women, Jenny Thompson.

Juicy Jenny, the commercial name of 21-year-old woman was making a confession that horrendous English: hired by Wayne Rooney.

"Wayne continued to SMS me and pay me with a wad of cash. He did not seem to care about being betrayed Coleen, "explained Jenny quoted the Daily Mail.

"Wayne is obviously enjoying all of our meetings and seemed to not really care what he did to his wife. I think he felt invincible and untouchable. As a woman, I would not want that to happen, especially when I was pregnant, "he continued.

Jenny Rooney first met in June last year at the Manchester 235 Casino. This means that pregnancy Coleen, who was carrying Kai, Rooney's first son, about four months. At that time, Rooney was drinking with his friends and one of his team mate, Rio Ferdinand.

Jenny continued, the Manchester United striker had called him into the VIP area and the two finally kiss in the corner.

At three o'clock in the morning, Rooney returned to SMS Jenny asked if they could meet. Jenny told me that he had to pay the fare, and Rooney, who has a salary of 150 thousand pounds or about USD two billion per week to answer simply, 'No problem. "

Spearhead England's Jenny then invite friends to join. They met a week later at a five star hotel, Lowry, in Salford, Manchester. Jenny did not mention the name of another woman, she just told me, Wayne claimed to have never done a threesome before. He was shy and stiff. "

"I then asked him if he had been with her previous call. I remember him once. I said, I remember he once dated a granny, she just laughed, "he continued.

Jenny claimed Rooney had met several times, although later he said the only two times. At each meeting, Rooney spent a number of 1200 pounds (USD 17 million) in the fractional-twenties and fifties.

Jenny said: "Wayne had a lot of phones to contact me, all disposable waste."

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